刘俊延,讲师。2023年毕业于新西兰Massey University,获博士学位。主要从事昆虫行为生态学研究,聚焦于性竞争和温度胁迫对昆虫繁殖和存活的影响。在Functional Ecology、Insect Science、Current Zoology等国内外刊物发表研究性论文20余篇,主持或参与科研项目4项,国家授权专利2项。
1. Liu JY, He XZ, Wang Q. 2023. Male larval experience of cues from adult rivals alters lifetime sperm investment patterns in a sperm heteromorphic moth, Ephestia kuehniella, Insect Science 30(6): 1773–1783.
2. Liu JY, He XZ, Zheng XL, Zhang YJ, Wang Q. 2022. Juvenile socio-sexual experience determines lifetime sperm expenditure and adult survival in a polygamous moth, Ephestia kuehniella, Insect Science 30(1): 232–240.
3. Liu JY, Zhang YJ, Zheng XL, He XZ, Wang Q. 2022. Larval social cues influence testicular investment in an insect, Current Zoology 68(1): 1–8.
4. Liu JY, He XZ, Zheng XL, Zhang YJ, Wang Q. 2021. Pupal cues increase sperm production but not testis size in an insect, Insects 12(8): 679.
5. Liu JY, Zhang YJ, Zheng XL, He XZ, Wang Q. 2020. Combined cues of male competition influence spermatozoal investment in a moth, Functional Ecology 34(6): 1223–1234.
6. Zheng XL*, Liu JY*, Zhang ZL, Wang P, Lu Wen. 2019. Diel rhythms of sexual behavior and pheromone responses in Phauda flammans (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae), Pest Management Science 75(11): 3070–3075. (*co-first author)
7. Liu JY, Zhang YJ, Huang ZY, Lu W, Zheng XL. 2018. Ultrastructural observations of antennal sensilla in Phauda flammans (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae), Journal of Entomological Science 53(3): 281–294.
8. Huang ZY*, Liu JY*, Zhang YJ, Guo CH, Yang ZD, Lu W, Zheng XL*. 2017. Scanning electron microscopy of antennal sensilla of Megastigmus sichuanensis Doğanlar et Zheng (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 271: 25–32. (*co-first author)