主要从事昆虫基因组演化与生物信息学研究工作,研究方向主要聚焦于天敌昆虫基因组演化、寄生蜂毒液等寄生因子的演化与功能及其在害虫生物防治中的应用、以及人工智能与基因组学交叉研究。以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在Nature Communications、Genome Research、Molecular Biology and Evolution、BMC Biology、Briefings in Bioinformatics、PLoS Genetics、Molecular Ecology Resources等国内外知名期刊发表多篇高水平研究论文。入选第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程,主持国家自然科学青年基金项目、中国博士后科学基金面上(一等)项目,并参与国家自然科学基金重点项目及国家重点研发计划项目。担任Journal of Integrative Agriculture杂志(中科院一区Top)青年编委、《植物保护学报》青年编委、《应用昆虫学报》青年编委及Frontiers in Genetics杂志审稿编委。多次应邀参加国际昆虫基因组大会及国际生理生化学术会议、中拉生物防控技术国际研讨会、中国昆虫学会学术年会、中国植物保护学会青年科学家沙龙、全国害虫生物防治学术研讨会等学术会议并作学术报告。
1. 天敌昆虫(如寄生蜂)控害因子的演化与功能
2. 昆虫基因组演化
3. AI赋能的基因组分析与理解
1. Ye Xinhai, He Chun, Yang Yi, et al. Comprehensive isoform-level analysis reveals the contribution of alternative isoforms to venom evolution and repertoire diversity. Genome Research, 2023, 33(9):1554–1567. (IF5years=13.537)
2. Ye Xinhai#, Yang Yi#, Zhao Can#, et al. Genomic signatures associated with maintenance of genome stability and venom turnover in two parasitoid wasps. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1):6417. (IF5years=17.763)
3. Ye Xinhai#, Xiong Shijiao#, Teng Ziwen, et al. Genome of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia chilonis sheds light on amino acid resource exploitation. BMC Biology, 2022, 20(1):118. (IF5years=8.641)
4. Xu Hongxing #, Ye Xinhai#, Yang Yajun, et al. Comparative genomics sheds light on the convergent evolution of miniaturized wasps. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021, 38(12):5539–5554. (IF5years=20.074,封面亮点论文)
5. He Chun, Ye Xinhai*(共同通讯), Yang Yi, et al. DeepAlgPro: an interpretable deep neural network model for predicting allergenic proteins. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023, 24(4):bbad246. (IF5years=10.060)
6. Yang Yi#, Ye Xinhai#, Dang Cong, et al. Genome of the pincer wasp Gonatopus flavifemur reveals unique venom evolution and a dual adaptation to parasitism and predation. BMC Biology, 2021, 19(1):145. (IF5years=8.641)
7. Ye Xinhai#, Yan Zhichao#, Yang Yi#, et al. A chromosome‐level genome assembly of the parasitoid wasp Pteromalus puparum. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020, 20(5):1384–1402. (IF5years=8.984)
8. Xiao Huamei#*, Ye Xinhai#, Xu Hongxing#, Mei Yang#, et al. The genetic adaptations of fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda facilitated its rapid global dispersal and invasion. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020, 20(4):1050–1068. (IF5years=8.984,2021年期刊Top Cited Article)
9. Ye Xinhai#, Xu Le#, Li Xiang#, He Kang#, et al. miR-34 modulates wing polyphenism in planthopper. PLoS Genetics, 2019, 15(6):e1008235. (IF5years=6.517,封面亮点论文)